Ootoro, also known as the king of sushi, is one of the most fatty parts of tuna, taken from the abdomen. It is one of an expensive sushi ingredient, as only 2 kilograms can be obtained from a 100-kilogram tuna. It was not considered as a high quality ingredient in the past, as it can go bad easily comparing to other red sections, and it is said that they even used to throw it. However, this specific part has become popular due to the advance of preserving development as well as the rising popularity of high animal fat.
Ootoro is rich in fatty acids as EPA and DHA(docosahexaenoic acid)., effective in preventing adult diseases. They also enhance brain function, learning ability, and memory, while they can also prevent dementia.
Fatty acids such as EPA and DHA are believed to be effective in the prevention of lifestyle-related diseases such as atherosclerosis, myocardial infarction, strokes, and diabetes.